It's important to work with an electrical contractor who is licenced and insured. A licenced electrician is required to work to a very high level of skill and expertise. They also have to comply with all the legal and regulatory requirements, so they do not put you or your property at risk. There are obvious safety reasons why you should only use a professional electrician and you cannot risk any form of 'DIY' when it comes to electrical work. It's that simple.
With electrical work, it's more than just putting wires and plugs in the wall. Your electrical contractor needs to be able to assess a situation, and understand the quality of wiring, so he or she can identify any potential problems before they become a costly problem for you or your property.
Your electrician is also a great go-to for air conditioning and solar system maintenance. Ask your electrician to help you with these big projects as handing them off to an amateur will not only put your property at risk, but can also cause additional problems in the long run like having an electrical fires or worse.
"At DRC Electrical, we also specialise in a wide range of general electrical projects . So if you have a special electrical requirement, reach out to our friendly team and we'll be more than happy to help."
By going with an electrician who is licenced and insured, you can rest assured that all jobs are done properly, to the highest standards and at a competitive price.
For all your electrical needs in Ipswich, Springfield Lakes, Kenmore and the wider Brisbane metro area you can count on the team at DRC Electrical. Give Dan or Sasha a call today or leave a message via our website and we'll be in touch!
Connect with our friendly and reliable electricians.
The region's reliable and professional electrical service provider. Servicing areas around Ipswich, Springfield, Brookwater, Kenmore and the southern and western corridors in Brisbane.
Ipswich region, Springfield, Brisbane Metro & Brisbane Bayside
Electrical Contractor's Licence No. 81374
ABN 21 879 970 901
Arctick License No. L145372
Website by Ipswich Websites + In Cahoots Co
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